
Multisite Beitragsindex

Multisite Beitragsindex for Multisite makes network wide search and share possible. Unlock new ways to find and display content by bringing posts from any site on your network into one index.


Create a global index for your network that only pulls the content you want added.

Expand What Multisite Can Do

We built Multisite Beitragsindex to work in tandem with other plugins that can harness its power. While Multisite is a powerful tool, one of its biggest limitations is its inability to search and display content from site-to-sites across your network.

We’ve built a huge collection of plugins that can do it, but those plugins need a single index of posts to pull from. This is where Multisite Beitragsindex comes in. Multisite Beitragsindex does more than just build an index. You can exclude certain subsites from being indexed, index a particular site right away, index pages as well as posts, index posts manually, choose a timeframe for when posts are indexed and choose posts types to be indexed per site.

All The Stats You’ll Ever Need

Make sure everything is set to your liking at a glance.


Multisite Beitragsindex Summary

See a quick list view of indexed post types and most sites indexed.


Indexed Post Types

A clean simple pie chart breaks down percentage of each post types indexed.


Recently Indexed Posts

Access recently indexed posts with a click. See site and post name.


Most Indexed Sites

See which sites are most active and how post types are being used across your network.

Reimagine What Multisite Can Do

We’ve developed a robust collection of plugins that work around Multisite Beitragsindex to extend Multisite’s capabilities.

Expand Global Comments

Pair Multisite Beitragsindex with our Comment Indexer plugin and expand your global index to include comments from across your network.

A Favorite with Multisite Developers

Multisite Beitragsindex is ready to power your next global post plugin. Add a new global post table behind the scenes in tandem with other plugins and display post content from every site on your network.


Multisite Beitragsindex provides robust statistics that help keep your network running at optimum performance.


Rebuild your index and include specific custom post types.

Unharness the Power

Create global post feeds, make all the content across your network fully searchable, use global tags – Multisite Beitragsindex eliminates limitations created by individual site tables. Plus, it works with custom post types so you can add everything from network-wide reading to a global shopping cart for your eCommerce network.

Complete Diagnostic Tools

The Processor Information module that comes packaged with Multisite Beitragsindex will ensure indexing on your site runs at 100% and will let you know if the plugin runs into any problems pulling content from your subsites. We’ve included everything you need to make sure posts are synced exactly as they should be.


For help with installing plugins please refer to our Plugin installation guide.

To Use:

This plugin by itself does not provide any features to your users. It’s simply a backend plugin that can be used to build other features. An example plugin demonstrating how the Multisite Beitragsindex can be used is found here. 1. Install the Multisite Beitragsindex 2. Visit Plugins in your Network Admin dashboard and Network Activate the Multisite Beitragsindex plugin there.  

The Dashboard

From your Network Admin section,  you can access the Multisite Beitragsindex dashboard by going to Settings > Multisite Beitragsindex. You should then land on a dashboard with three tabs at the top that look like this:


When you first install the plugin, under the first tab labeled Statistics, you will probably not see anything. By default, the Multisite Beitragsindex will only index posts created after installation. However, if you would like to index previously published posts, you can do so by going to the third tab – Rebuild Index. As the instructions in the Rebuild Index section warn, “This may take a considerable amount of time and could impact the performance of your server.” If you would like to index only selected sites, or if you would like to prevent certain sites from being indexed, then see the next section.  

Selecting Individual Sites to Index

If you like, you can choose to manually index only certain sites, and you can also choose to prevent individual sites from being indexed at all. You can do this from the Network Admin area by going to Sites > All Sites. You should see a new column added here titled Indexing.


From here you have a choice to:

  Just click on the option you’d like for that individual site/blog.



Choosing Post Types and Index Lifetime

Finally, in the Global Settings tab, you can choose which post types you’d like to index (Posts, Pages, etc.), as well as how long  you would like the index to go back.



Checking to Make Sure It Works

Once you either add more posts or rebuild the index, you should start to see statistics about which sites have been indexed. Keeping in mind that this plugin is only used in conjunction with others, you might also check out a plugin like the Recent Global Posts Widget. If everything is working as it should, the Recent Global Posts Widget should populate with recent posts from your index. (Keep in mind that these other plugins draw from the index that the Multisite Beitragsindex creates. And so if you have disabled indexing for a site, the posts from that site will not be included when a plugin like the Recent Global Posts Widget goes looking for it.)  

Troubleshooting Potential Problems

If you run into problems, you may want to check for the following: First, make sure the post is published on a site with privacy set to “Allow search engines to index this site.” (Found in the regular admin area – not the Network Admin area – under Settings > Reading.) Next, there are a few config options at the top of post-indexer.php. Unless you’re in a very solid dedicated environment, we recommend leaving them as is. Check to Make Sure The Tables Installed Correctly: **

Multisite Beitragsindex Tables